Mixd Nutz Studio

Their Story

Image-maker Carol Noël launched Mixd Nutz Studio in Picton in 2016. Born into a military family positioned her as an observer and wanderer. An artist since kindergarten, she has 45 years as a creative designer and art director, with sidebars in academia and music. All artists filter reality: the camera cannot see what the gut and the mind's eye sees, so image-capture is but the starting point for interpretation. Carol's enhanced vibrant images can be viscerally felt. New this year: more black-and-white and montage. Common threads: curiosity, noticing what is often passed-by, oddities... and love of human story, domicile and place.

Contact Info

8 E Mary St, Prince Edward, ON K0K 2T0
Open noon to 5 p.m. most days, May-Oct. Other times by chance or appointment.
8 E Mary St, Prince Edward, ON K0K 2T0
Categories: Arts Trail.