Closson Chase

Their Story

Closson Chase is a quality-driven producer that helped spearhead the Prince Edward County wine industry, using centuries-old European traditions & sustainable, innovative techniques. Harvesting only the finest Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Gris grapes, Closson Chase is committed to creating world-class wines that are the best expression of the terroir they can be. Set in Hillier, Ontario, the estate comprises more than 35 acres of densely-planted, south-facing, limestone-rich soil. Visitors are invited to enjoy the rich Chardonnays, complex Pinot Noirs, and enticing Pinot Gris year round.

Contact Info

629 Closson Rd., Hillier
Open weekends from Feb. 3 (weather permitting). Open daily as of April 15.
629 Closson Rd., Hillier
Categories: Taste Trail.