Andrew Csafordi Studio Gallery

Their Story

A graduate of the Ontario College of Art, Andrew paints exclusively with molten “encaustic” beeswax, incorporating other mediums. Enjoy these fine art, sculptural paintings in his magnificent century-old Barn Gallery. Luminous textures bring the viewer into an organic landscape unlike any other. His masterful paintings move naturally from two dimensions to three, from reality to colourful imagination, often echoing the fluidity of landscapes in The County. His works create a focal point and spark great conversation in one’s home or office. An exciting renaissance of this ancient “encaustic beeswax technique” has been growing with excitement. You’re invited to join in.

Contact Info

Andrew Csafordi Studio Gallery, 54 Wilson Road, Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
April – October, 10am – 6pm daily.
Andrew Csafordi Studio Gallery, 54 Wilson Road, Bloomfield, ON K0K 1G0
Categories: Arts Trail.